Our primary goal at TCRF is to build a community driven sustainable future for our towns. In collaboration with city management, we, the citizens, can achieve this goal. We can repair and revitalize our towns, encourage inbound migration, and establish the Twin Cities as a rural innovation destination.

First we upgrade and repair our aging neighborhoods, creating action teams within neighborhoods, big jobs are manageable when neighborhood teams work together. While preserving our history and charm we ensure that TCF are towns that we feel proud to call home. Focusing on inbound migration will bolster our communities economic health. To ensure that the Twin Cities are places that people are proud to live, we will restore our historic sites and revitalize our downtown area.  We will establish incentives for remote workers to migrate  here by opening a shared office work center with high speed internet. Through our  renewed online presence we will showcase the amazing quality of life here.   It is also important to establish the TCF as a tourist destination. We will focus on our open spaces, parks and nature trails. We will promote and support city community events and programs and  create programs and services that will improve community ties and overall happiness.

Meeting our goals is accomplished by involving everyone, focusing on what matters and playing the long game.

For a more detailed synopsis of each project please contact us.


Develop Twin Cities  Community Action Network.  and canvas the community with surveys and in person questionaires so that we can fully understand where our TCF should start.  The most important aspect of our vision is the fact that it is collaborative. The best way to succeed is to have a team that is equally invested in our success. 

Engage with city management and other leaders to collaborate and determine where our goals are shared so that we can work together effectively.

Survey business owners,’ church leaders, and school boards to get there feedback and priorities for TCF. 

  • Baseball leauge
  • Restore Weaks nature trail, frisbee park
  • Get TCF added to the annual haunted house caravan
  • Create bike path through history along the railroad
  • Rebuild and refresh Lake Street
  • Rebrand our small town life as the reprieve from chaos
  • Art instalations
  • City Slickers style working ranch. 
  • Internet infastructure, wifi in downtown areas
  • Create a shared workspace center for remote workers 
  • Cheer squad to spread the great news, and remind TCF that we are strong and resilient, and that working together  we will succeed. 